Paragon Markets
Oil and Gas – Upstream Market
Paragon services the Oil and Gas upstream market; primarily focused on conventional and unconventional oil and gas development and initial production. PPC has also completed shop/field painting/coating and thermal spray projects for Oil and Gas clients at Gas Plants and Oil Batteries. Thermal spray aluminum is used for the prevention of CUI (corrosion under insulation), and paint/coating and thermal spray are used for the prevention of atmospheric corrosion. Within gas Within gas plants, thermal spray Hastelloy®-type materials may be used for the prevention of corrosion due to sour (H2S) service. Our Edmonton location and mobile blasting and coating rigs position us well to effectively service this market in Western Canada.

Oil and Gas Pipelines – Midstream Market
The midstream sector involves the transportation (by pipeline, rail, barge, oil tanker or truck), storage, and wholesale marketing of crude or refined petroleum products. In the midstream sector, PPC is an approved applicator for many pipeline operators including but not limited to Enbridge, IPL, Pembina and TC Energy and provide both internal and external coatings to service this market. We have completed these services at tank terminals, mainline pipelines, pump stations, compressor stations, gas liquids fractionation plants, tank farms (external and internal components), above and below ground piping, valves, equipment, structural steel…etc. Paragon specializes in Integrity Digs and 100% Solids Epoxy Plural Component coatings for underground piping and equipment. The remote and difficult access for most pipelines represents a great opportunity for our VersaCoat system; it’s easily transportable to remote locations, and is self-sufficient once located.

Refining and Petrochemicals – Downstream Market
Process corrosion is the main concern in the downstream market (crude oil refineries, petrochemical plants, and petroleum products distribution); with an estimated annual cost of $15B USD globally in refineries alone. Paragon executes painting/coating and thermal spray work, in the field and our shop, to combat all forms of corrosion in the downstream market. Our performance and technical expertise has earned us ongoing business at the largest refineries and upgraders in Western Canada. Industrial coatings and metallizing are used for the prevention of atmospheric corrosion, CUI (corrosion under insulation) and CUF (corrosion under fireproofing). Thermal spray coatings of Hastelloy®, Stellite®, Inconel® and stainless steel are applied to the interior walls of process vessels for the prevention of vessel wall degradation due to H2S or CO2 corrosion. Industrial paint and coatings are used for atmospheric corrosion.
Public Infrastructure
Of primary concern to the infrastructure industry is atmospheric corrosion; bridges, steel-reinforced concrete and pipelines are widely affected. Unfortunately, this corrosion is not always easily detected or visible to the naked eye; making it especially dangerous because the corrosion may ultimately lead to structural failure, loss of capital investment, environmental damage, and perhaps even loss of life. Zinc metalizing of bridge components is an on-site process that applies and bonds pure zinc onto steel surfaces, and is used to repair damaged galvanizing or to atmospherically protect steel in place of galvanizing. The main advantage of zinc metalizing is the equipment is mobile and any size of steel substrate, large or small can be coated. Thermal spray aluminum (TSA) is used (for the same reasons as zinc) in marine environments to act as a barrier to the salt air/water, but has the added benefit of acting as a sacrificial anode should the coating be damaged. Both thermal sprayed zinc and aluminum have very long service lives with very little maintenance. Where metallizing is not appropriate, industrial paint/coatings are applied. Typical bridge applications include abutment caps, pier sway braces, rocker shoes, gusset plates, expansion joints, structural steel, galvanizing repairs and field welds.

Contact Us
Paragon Protective Coatings
809 77 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6P 1S9
The Paragon Protective Coatings Ltd. office/shop is conveniently located on Edmonton’s east side, west of the Anthony Henday and just south of the Sherwood Park FWY.